Nestled at the lowest point on Earth, our iconic project, a themed destination hotel at the shores of the Dead Sea, has been a beacon of inspiration since its inception nearly two decades ago. Designed to captivate visitors with a vibrant and spirited atmosphere, this extraordinary resort has consistently outperformed expectations, emerging as the unparalleled financial leader for its esteemed owners, the United Saudi Jordanian Hotel & Tourism Company.
Drawing inspiration from the rich cultural tapestry of the Levant, our design concept transforms the landscape into a series of animated buildings, paying homage to the architectural heritage of the region. This themed destination hotel, born out of a meticulous response to our client’s brief, serves as a living tribute to the legendary journey of Lawrence of Arabia to the South, enriching the guest experience with a narrative deeply rooted in history.
The masterful planning of the site, executed with a profound respect for the existing contours, strategically divides the landscape into two distinctive parts. The main hotel and conference facilities gracefully occupy the higher plateau, offering guests a panoramic view of the majestic surroundings. Meanwhile, the villa guest suites are thoughtfully nestled close to the beach, creating an intimate and serene environment for those seeking a tranquil escape.
Beyond its architectural brilliance, this destination resort is a testament to operational efficiency, a result of our dedicated research into the operational model of Kempinski and a keen understanding of local service industry trends. From the captivating thematic design to the strategically positioned guest accommodations, every element of this resort is crafted to enhance the guest experience while ensuring financial success for its owners.
As a themed destination hotel that derives inspiration from the tradition of the Levant, this resort at the Dead Sea stands as a living testament to timeless design, financial success, and operational excellence. It continues to beckon travelers to indulge in an immersive experience that seamlessly blends history, luxury, and the unparalleled beauty of its unique locale.